
Tuesday 29 January 2019

IVAINDIA Offers Gems Therapy for Professionals

Gems are the different color stones that are believed to have certain vibrations when they are placed within an individual’s aura. Generally, a human aura has nine colors like violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, infrared and ultraviolet. If there is any deficiency or excess of these following colors, it may lead to an upset in the balancing to the original composition of nice colors. Gem therapy is considered another form of healing. To learn gem therapy there is a certain course available in some colleges like Institute of Vedic astrology.

Where to place the Gemstones?

Gemstones have to be placed in particular places only, instead placing in irrelevant places will not make feel the cause of using the Gemstone. Placing a gemstone close proximity to the place of sleeping or sitting gives you a greater effect. For example, it is good to place a natural red jade gemstone pyramid in the south or the southwest direction of dwelling activities. When you place a gemstone in the body it gives you certain effect to you. It is more advisable when you wear a gemstone with the planetary metal as your native chart says. For instance, wear a ruby gold ring on the ring finger to gain fame and success. Wearing Gemstone on the skin, also assist to open the block in chakras in your body by color therapy. 

Gem therapy to cure diseases

These Gems serves as medicines to cure and prevent diseases on proper guidance of the professionals. Here are some diseases that can be prevented using appropriate gems.
Asthma: Sani is considered to be responsible for most of the chronic diseases like Asthma. When Sani afflicts from Lagna or in Simha Rasi, it makes susceptible to Asthma. Wearing energized Emerald and yellow Sapphire will prevent Asthma.

Kidney problems: Kuja and Sukra govern the Urinary system, using energized white coral and blue Sapphire will help in the relief of the problems.

For more medicinal effects of the gemstones, you can consult with the professionals who hold degrees in astrology. 

A gemstone with healing properties

Each Gemstone has its own unique properties such as:

•    Amber- Lifts the emotional burdens in your life and makes you live happily and peacefully.
•    Amethyst- offers a spiritual upliftment.
•    Ruby- assists to overcome fear by opening the heart.
•    Opal- broadens the mind, by which you can see the possibilities in various situations.
•    Diamond- improvises personal clarity.
•    Rose quartz- provides balance emotionally and helps you to express your emotions.
•    Jade- makes you feel relaxed and tensionless.
•    Emerald- helps both physical and emotional healing. 

These should be used according to the professions, your problems, and the requirements. IVA Indore provides you with opportunities to study deep about the characteristics, effects and how to uses these Gemstones.  

It is important to consult with a professional who learned astrology lessons, since if there is any wrong usage of the Gemstone it may lead to evil effects. You can learn Gem therapy and become a professional or graduate in the Gem therapy courses from colleges like Institute of Vedic astrology Indore.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Every Thing that IVA can Provide you About Nadi Dosha

“Marriage is a beautiful bonding between two individuals, who commits to stay together for the rest of their life as a two body and one soul” says IVA Indore. Marriage is just not about physical union, it is more about emotional and spiritual union. When a man and women gets married, the two becomes one. It is a relationship that can’t be compared with other. It provides us with a life partner, who stand by us at any point of challenges of life. It makes us complete and fulfill life with happiness and joy.

However, not all marriages are same. There are wide number of couples whose life has been altered after marriage. There might be several reasons behind the same. One of the major reasons may be Nadi Dosha.

According to Institute of Vedic Astrology (IVA Indore), Nadi is a process of matching horoscopes of the bride and groom before marriage in Astrology with the end goal to figure out if a marriage is going to be fruitful or not. It plays a very important role in Kundli Milan process. In the event that there is Nadi Dosha in one’s horoscope, it is considered as a bad sign and the idea of marriage between couple should be dropper in such circumstances.

In the process of match making, if you figure out the presence of Nadi Dosha in one’s horoscope, it is strongly advised by IVA Indore to drop out the plan of getting married with the same person as the odds of having no kind are high. In addition, if somehow, you become parents, your children would be weaker. If you have no option, either than to marry the person despite of Nadi Dosha, there are some remedies to reduce the impact of Nadi Dosha that you should follow.
If you are planning to get married, it is important for you to learn Indian Astrology. Learning Indian Astrology with IVA Indore can enable you to find the perfect life partner for yourself, thus, assuring a fruitful and content life. So what are you waiting for? Enroll yourself now.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

How numerology can assist you while Changing your Career

Nowadays, numerology is essential for building a career in a divine way. Generally, it is used as a tool that helps us to identify the relationship between the numbers and the alphabets. Based on the life path number it is helpful in the numerology scene. On numerology course, the life path number is mentioned. 

Based on the life career, it is basically measured in the single tool, used in the format to know about the destiny. In the current world, a life path is an essential tool used for making the tools to get involved. The life path number can be classified as,
  • Life Path Number 1
  • Life Path Number 2
  • Life Path Number 3
Life Path number 1
In this, people can admire in the source of the self-motivation being involved. It is easy to organize the goals based on the spirit which is inventive in nature.

Career type
Based on the astrology lessons, they have the ability to work in a team such that it helps for the comprising purpose. As we have a strong belief in the ideas we can implement on working purpose. In those cases the project should be particular; it helps in easy understanding so it has the new trails in them.
The high status is appreciated and the achievements can be recognized. In the authoritative figure, they provide the proper guidance.

Pursue careers
When compared with Institute of vedic astrology reviews, the sense of direction seems to be good and acts as an Entrepreneur. And there are some opportunities such as farmer, contractor, and craftsman available for the purpose of self-employment. 

Life Path Number 2
There is an availability of many situations without providing any proper bias. So, the basic interaction with others is huge and listens to the life story of the other people. The sympathy plays a very important role on behalf of the co-workers. 

Career type
Generally, the career type is based on the negotiation and the social skills at its best, and the diplomacy produced in a profession. They remain very quiet in creative, and the calculation skill seems to be good. As the brain is busy all the times, it has the very hard time to adjust being provided with the career.

Pursue careers
In the Institute of Vedic Astrology Indore reviews, it is mainly based on mediation and sensitivity produced in the skills. There is a chance of becoming a lawyer, minister, teacher, counselor, doctor, care giving person.

Life Path Number 3
Generally, has the ability to create and become artistic in nature. Provides the good words and level of their energy level becomes very high. There is a lack of secret as they been found in good social skills and possess a career.

Career type
In Institute of Vedic Astrology Indore, it is based on career type, as it should provide the fight for the purpose of entertaining others and also they interact with people and culture.

Pursue career
In many cases, they are very artistic, musician; there is a variety of talents provided inside them. In those cases, favor for the purpose of choosing music, theatre, and TV.

Monday 14 January 2019

What can your hands reveal about your personality and future?

Do you ever think your hand is related to science and it can reveal some facts about your life? Yes. Hand reading is an art, each individual varies in the rise and fall in the structure of the palm and the major lines running through the palm. Each of these lines defines the qualities like intelligence, vitality, and emotions and mounts denote archetype, personality; by these, a profession can define some facts of your life.  There are certain coaching and training that you have to undergo to become a professional in hand reading. There are certain universities like Institute of Vedic astrology Indore that offers such courses.

Mounts and line of the palm

Indian palmistry says that the names of seven mounts denote the seven celestial bodies of the ancients, god of Greek and Roman mythology. There are two mounts in the palm that have equal effects on the personality on a person. If they stand high and full it considered being strongly influenced.

Generally, a palm has six major lines and many numbers of minor lines. Every palm has lines that denote head, heart, and lifelines, whereas lines of Saturn, Apollo and mercury are found in some palm and that is absent in some palms. The depth and clarity of the lines determine the strength of each aspect. There are many palms reading online courses available to have more knowledge regarding palm reading.

The major line of the palm

There are six major lines that speak about the particular aspect. These lines are unique for each palm. When the line is thick and clear the aspect that the line represents functions well if they are thin or broken, there are probabilities for the aspect to be weak or to the individual to face challenges over it. For further clear understanding about the line learn palm reading, that is interesting and even you can choose this and as a profession.  The six major lines are:

The heart line: It speaks about speaks about an individual’s emotions and physical condition of the heart. If the line is deep the person will be steady in handling emotions, reliable and devoted, if not the person will be fickle, sentimental and changeable. The heart line originates from the mount of Jupiter and moves through the hand.

The headline: It denotes intelligence, the ability for concentration and focus. On having clear headline the person will be able to think clearly, concentrate and have a good memory. On thin or broken headline; the person may experience poor memory and confusions. It begins from under the mount of Jupiter and extends till the beginning of lifeline.

The lifeline: It forms about an individual’s vitality and ability to resist illness and the energy of the personal. If the line is deeper the person has good energy, whereas thinner line denotes the poor level of energy and poor ability to withstand illness.

The Saturn line: It is the line of security and fate representing the security feels of an individual. It begins near the wrist and extends till the figure of Saturn.

The line of Apollo: It is said to be the line of art or recognition. This is not found in all the palms when it is present there are chances for the person to create. They start from the wrist and ends in the mount of Apollo.

The line of Mercury: The line of health appears in lesser than 50% of hands and describes certain distinct health issues. Even without this line, the person can have a long life. 

To learn more about the line and mount in the palm choose the best institute like IVA Indore to study the palmistry. 

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Institute of Vedic Astrology Tips on Relationship Astrology

Nowadays, a huge number of love and relationship affairs are increased as both men and women have equal rights to make their life decision on their own.  Love is the natural character of a human being and everyone will feel the love in their life. 

The true love arises based on trust and if you have this trust you never fail in your love life. But when you have fear, mistrust, possessive nature, and attitude it would spoil your relationship.

Many relations are continued and broken in the middle of their life due to many reasons.  When you learn Vedic astrology course you can understand some factors that cause these relationship failure problems. 

Love relationship according to various houses
According to the Institute of Vedic Astrology, there are some certain yoga’s which makes people fall in love. The problems that are occurred in love are determined through the 5th house with the use of Kundali. You may fall in love when you are under the control of Dasha which is placed in the fifth house. 

When you take the online Vedic astrology course you come to know about the fact that marriage is predicted by examining the seventh house. If Dasha lord is situated in the ninth house it will lead to the love affair. 

The relationship based on the placement of planets
According to Institute of Vedic Astrology, mercury is known as the Karak planet which means intelligence. During the placement of Dasha in the Mercury then there is a great chance to fall in love. This is because Dasha of Rahu is the main catalyst for love to begin it.

But the love that began in Dasha of Rahu will not last for a long time as it doesn’t know right and wrong things. As most of the love begins in the Dasha of Mercury, 

Venus, Moon, and Rahu it makes a person become restless in both mind and heart. You can utilize the free Vedic astrology to understand the placements of planets. 

Reason for why love relationship not ending in marriages
Kundali’s seventh place is referred to as the house of marriage. When the seventh house doesn’t have a relationship with the ascendant of the fifth and ninth house it doesn’t convert love into a marriage. The presence of the fifth house in the ninth house is the main reason for the failure of love marriage.

Reason for separation in love relationships
The presence of Kundali in the sixth house will cause the violence. When Dasha is in the eight houses your love will come to an end.  Also, you will be restless when the Dasha of Saturn placed as it even makes you react differently to love. 

Reason for more than one relationship
If Venus is weak in the Kundali then you will have more than one love in your life. The relationship between Venus and Saturn at the sixth or twelfth house then the possibility of more than one love becomes strong.

Thus, these are the reasons for the relationship problem in your life. You can learn Indian astrology online to know more about these problems.